居住建筑挑战是国际著名建筑认证计划、宣传工具及今天的哲学定义,最先进的措施是可以在建筑环境上持续发展。 在10周的过程中,英海特墨尔本建筑物理团队加入了The Buchan Group and Grun Consulting, supported by Rush Wright Associates以及The Space Agency并提交2016年Brickworks Living Building Challenge Design大赛。 在上周的颁奖典礼上宣布,团队在大赛中以"For The Common Good: A Restart to Retailing"而夺得The People’s Choice Award及亚军奖项。 简要: […]
6月23日星期四,英海特香港办公室以“Brick On Break – The Professional Series”为主题,招待了RIBA公司。 会议主题“Beauty is More Than Skin Deep”是两个系列的第二部分,观察建筑外墙,如何能够不仅在建筑上使设计完整,而且也和其他工程设计规范相结合;我们想要鼓励直接、深刻且具有洞察力地交换感念。 英海特发言人: Mr. Hugh Brennand, Mr. Jovi Wong, Mr. CK Dickson Wong & Mr. Ben Luder
The Grand Theatre Opera House in Harbin China, has been awarded the ‘Cultural Architecture’ prize in the ArchDaily 2016 Building of the Year Awards, which concluded last week.
In recent months, a revised National Construction Code for 2016 (NCC 2016) has been presented to industry and is set to be adopted by Australian States and Territories from 1 May 2016.