Net Zero in Context: Climate Change & Buildings

这是一系列短文中的第一篇,涉及 “净零 “的概念以及它对建筑和建设项目的意义。本文将 “净零 “运动与它所要克服的全球挑战–气候变化联系起来,并讨论了建筑和施工行业对全球和澳大利亚排放的影响。进一步的文章将讨论 “净零 “的概念以及围绕它的各种定义、策略和途径。


我们到目前为止的反应– “绿色建筑”

这是一系列短文中的第二篇,涵盖了围绕 “净零 “的概念以及它对建筑和建筑项目的意义。

Think represents the ideas and experience across our network of discipline experts. We design to improve the built environment for people and nature. Central to this is sharing knowledge with our colleagues and industry peers through case studies, articles and collaboration.

We have also developed a series of in-house tools that we use ourselves and we think that you could gain the benefit of our collective experience too. With a focus on upfront design information please feel free to use these resources.